🔹File System Security

Pre-installation Percussions

When installing a fresh OS, its better to keep these directories in separate partitions to prevent local attacks, starvation and lower the privilege escalation vector:


Directory Security Mount Options

nodev Option** **

The nodev mount option specifies that the filesystem cannot contain special devices.


Since the /tmp filesystem is not intended to support devices, set this option to ensure that users cannot attempt to create block or character special devices in /tmp.

Edit the /etc/fstab file and add nodev to the fourth field (mounting options) for the /tmp partition.

See the fstab(5) manual page for more information.

Run the following command to remount /tmp :

# mount -o remount,nodev /tmp


mount | grep /var/tmp

Edit the /etc/fstab file and add nodev to the fourth field

# mount -o remount,nodev /var/tmp


mount | grep /home

Edit the /etc/fstab file and add nodev to the fourth field:

# mount -o remount,nodev


mount | grep /dev/shm

Edit the /etc/fstab file and add nodev to the fourth field:

# mount -o remount,nodev

removable media partitions

Run the following command and verify that the nodev option is set on all removable media partitions


Edit the /etc/fstab file and add nodev to the fourth field

nosuid Option** **


If a /tmp partition exists run the following command and verify that the nosuid option is set on /tmp:

# mount | grep /tmp

Edit the /etc/fstab file and add nosuid to the fourth field (mounting options) for the /tmp partition Run the following command to remount /tmp :

# mount -o remount,nosuid /tmp


mount | grep /var/tmp

Edit the /etc/fstab file and add nosuid to the fourth field:

# mount -o remount,nosuid


mount | grep /dev/shm

Edit the /etc/fstab file and add nosuid to the fourth field:

# mount -o remount,nosuid /dev/shm

removable media partitions

Run the following command and verify that the nosuid option is set on all removable media partitions


Edit the /etc/fstab file and add nosuid to the fourth field

noexec Option** **


mount | grep /var/tmp

Edit the /etc/fstab file and add noexec to the fourth field:

# mount -o remount,noexec /var/tmp


mount | grep /dev/shm

Edit the /etc/fstab file and add noexec to the fourth field:

#mount -o remount,noexec /dev/shm

removable media partitions

Run the following command and verify that the noexec option is set on all removable media partitions


Edit the /etc/fstab file and add noexec to the fourth field

Sticky Bit on World-writable Directories

Run the following command to verify no world writable directories exist without the sticky bit set:

# df --local -P | awk {'if (NR!=1) print $6'} | xargs -I '{}' find '{}' -xdev -type d \( -perm -0002 -a ! -perm -1000 \) 2>/dev/null

No output should be returned.

Run the following command to set the sticky bit on all world writable directories:

df --local -P | awk {'if (NR!=1) print $6'} | xargs -I '{}' find '{}' -xdev -type d -perm -0002 2>//dev/null | xargs chmod a+t

Disable Auto Mounting

Run the following command to verify autofs is not enabled:

# systemctl is-enabled autofs

Verify result is not "enabled". to disable autof:

systemctl disable autofs

nodev : no device access

nosuid : no setuid

programs noexec : prevent running exec

--remount, noexec : mount again with no exe

File System Integrity

Creating an Audit Database

Install AIDE:

apt install aide aide-common

Initiate the Database

# aideinit

While initializing the database aide will take an snapshot of all system libraries and binaries for future compare to see if anything changed or not copy the new created db in /var/lib/aide aide.db.new.gz to aide.db.gz do a check for all files for mismatches: ****

Check Integrity

# aide --check

if there was a change we will see a warning

Updating the aide DB after checking the aide db:

/aide -c aide.conf --update

This will reset the database to the current status of the /etc/sub-director

Config Files

conf file: /etc/aide.conf

log file: /etc/log/aide

db: /etc/lib/aid


determine if there is a cron job scheduled to run the aide check:

Run the following command:

crontab -u root -e

Add the following line to the crontab:

 0 5 * * * /usr/bin/aide.wrapper --config /etc/aide/aide.conf --check

File System Permissions

Permissions on /etc/passwd

 chown root:root /etc/passwd
 chmod 644 /etc/passwd

Permissions on /etc/shadow

 chown root:root /etc/shadow
 chown root:shadow /etc/shadow
 chmod o-rwx,g-wx /etc/shadow

Permissions on /etc/group

 chown root:root /etc/group
  chmod 644 /etc/group

Permissions on /etc/gshadow

chown root:root /etc/gshadow
chown root:shadow /etc/gshadow
chmod o-rwx,g-rw /etc/gshadow

Permissions on /etc/passwd Backup Files

chown root:root /etc/passwd-
chmod u-x,go-rwx /etc/passwd

World-writeable Files

Run the following command and verify no files are returned:

df --local -P | awk '{if (NR!=1) print $6}' | xargs -I '{}' find '{}' -xdev -type f -perm -0002

r the following command can be run manually for each partition:

find [partition] -xdev -type f -perm -0002

Check for Unowned Files or Directories

Run the following command and verify no files are returned:

df --local -P | awk {'if (NR!=1) print $6'} | xargs -I '{}' find '{}' -xdev -nouser

the following command can be run manually for each partition:

find [partition] -xdev -nouser

Check for Ungrouped Files or Directories

Run the following command and verify no files are returned:

df --local -P | awk '{if (NR!=1) print $6}' | xargs -I '{}' find '{}' -xdev -nogroup

the following command can be run manually for each partition:

find [partition] -xdev -nogroup

Audit SUID/SGID Executables

Run the following command to list SUID files:

df --local -P | awk '{if (NR!=1) print $6}' | xargs -I '{}' find '{}' -xdev -type f -perm -4000

df --local -P | awk '{if (NR!=1) print $6}' | xargs -I '{}' find '{}' -xdev -type f -perm -2000

r the following command can be run manually for each partition:

find [partition] -xdev -type f -perm -4000

find [partition] -xdev -type f -perm -2000

Add/remove SUID/SGID Attribute

Adding the Setuid & Setgid Attributes:

chmod ug+s /path/to/file

chmod 6755 /path/to/file

Removing the Setgid Attribute:

chmod g-s /path/to/file

chmod 0755 /path/to/file

Last updated