🟀SSH Tricks

Run Single Command

ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@ [command]
ssh -p 2222 username@hostname pwd

# SSH with verbose output 	
ssh -vvv -p 2702 root@ date 2>&1

SSH without input password

// Sapt install sshpass
sshpass -p '<your-passwd>' ssh <username>@<ssh_host> i

Diff local file with remote one

/diff local_file.txt <(ssh <username>@<ssh_host> 'cat remote_file.txt')

Diff two remote SSH files

// Sodiff <(ssh user@remote_host 'cat file1.txt') <(ssh user2@remote_host2 'cat file2.txt')

SCP with timestamps/permissions kept

scp -rp /tmp/abc/ ec2-user@<ssh-host>:/root/


This is actually the basis of how some server provisioning tools work. In fact, Ansible is very similar - it will run commands over SSH on groups of servers (in series and in parallel).

Let's see how that works on Ubuntu really quickly.

First install Ansible on a server that will be doing provisioning (not the one being provisioned):

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:rquillo/ansible
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ansible

Then, configure one or more servers in the /etc/ansible/hosts directory:


Save that file and then let's run a command on all three servers!

$ ansible -k all -m ping -u vagrant

This will run "ping" on each server. You'll get some JSON output saying if they were successful or not.

The flags of that command:

  • -k - Ask for password

  • all - All servers configured in /etc/ansible/hosts

  • -m ping - Use the ping module

  • -u vagrant - Login with user "vagrant", which will work if the hosts defined are other vagrant servers. Change the username as needed.

You can actually run any command using the "shell" module:

ansible -k all -m shell -u vagrant -a "apt-get install nginx"

Here, the -a "apt-get install nginx will run the given command using the "shell" module.

SSH control sequences

When in an SSH connection, press the tilde character (shift + backtick) followed by another character to use the control sequence options (shift + ~). to get help about commands press ? after ~.

Supported escape sequences:

    ~. - terminate connection (and any multiplexed sessions)
    ~B - send a BREAK to the remote system
    ~C - open a command line
    ~R - request rekey
    ~V/v - decrease/increase verbosity (LogLevel)
    ~^Z - suspend ssh
    ~# - list forwarded connections
    ~& - background ssh (when waiting for connections to terminate)
    ~? - this message
    ~~ - send the escape character by typing it twice

Mounting Filesystems

NFS, while venerable, is pretty shoddy when it comes to securely sharing directories. You can share to an entire subnet, but anything beyond that gets tricky. Enter sshfs, the ssh filesystem.

I’ve got a machine called wonka trying to share the directory /srv/factory with the host bucket. Assuming that the user charlie on bucket has keys set up on wonka, and assuming that I’ve got sshfs available (install it via your package manager of choice if which sshfs returns nothing), try this out:

sshfs wonka:/srv/factory /mnt -o idmap=user

Everything is pretty self-explanatory except for the filesystem mount option idmap. That just tries to map the unix numeric IDs from the server to the user you’re mounting the filesystem as (it’s the least troublesome option.)

And presto, you’re sharing a filesystem quickly, easily, and securely. The caveat here is that filesystem changes can take a little longer to propagate than with similar file-sharing schemes like SMB or NFS.

Remote File Editing

This trick relies on the netrw capabilities of vim (a directory browsing function) and scp (a sister program of ssh.)

Netrw allows vim to browse the filesystem on the local filesystem easily (try it in a terminal with $ vim [path], such as $ vim .. However, we can pass vim a remote path using scp:// to achieve remote file editing:

vim scp://wonka/

You’re now browsing your home directory’s contents on wonka within vim. Any file edits you make will be synced over on write via scp.

Accessing NAT-Ed Hosts Directly

ssh config files follow this syntax:

Host foobar
    Option value

For example, you can reduce the command**:**

ssh -p12345 foo@bar.baz.edu -i ~/.ssh/customkey


 ssh bar

by adding the following to ~/.ssh/config:

Host bar
    User foo
    Port 12345
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/customkey
    HostName bar.baz.edu

Now that we’ve dabbled in the config, look at this configuration stanza:

Host behind.bar
    # ProxyCommand ssh bar exec nc behind %p
    # I've since been educated that invoking netcat for forwarding
    # is deprecated, use the -W flag instead:
    ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p bar

ProxyCommand directs ssh how to connect to behind.bar: connect to bar (previously defined) and use netcat to connect to the port that ssh would normally connect to. ssh’s -W flag intelligently forwards traffic to the interpolated %h (hostname) and %p (port) variable placeholders. The following diagram demonstrates.

you can essentially treat the NAT-ed host as if there were no intermediate hosts between the ssh client and daemon.

Sharing Connections

While you could negotiate another asymmetric ssh handshake, why not use your pre-existing connection to make speedier file copies or logins?

Use Controlpath:

Host busyserver
    Controlmaster auto
    Controlpath ~/.ssh/ssh-%r@%h:%p.sock

This means upon first connection to busyserver, ssh will create a socket in ~/.ssh/ which can be shared by other commands. If you’re using commands like rsync or scp, this can make repetitive copy tasks much quicker.


sidedoor maintains an SSH connection or tunnel with a shell script daemon.

Last updated